Introducing Amani, an ensemble inspired by aspirations and wishes, embodied in the vibrant colour orange. The Indian raw silk short kurti features charming chatta patti lace finishing, paired with the classic shalwar for timeless appeal. Complete the look with a kattan silk sea foam-coloured block print dupatta, adorned with intricate chatta patti detailing for a perfect finishing touch.
Introducing Xenia, an ensemble that embodies the allure of flowers in its rich dark pink hue. Crafted from Indian raw silk, the long shirt boasts intricate golden embroidered pattern,, paired with a sleek trouser pant. Complementing the attire is a classic chiffon red dupatta, adorned with golden zarri jaal.
Introducing Zahra, an ensemble that embodies the essence of a blossoming flower in the vibrant hue of red. Crafted from luxurious Indian raw silk, the short shirt features exquisite chatta patti lace detailing,paired with a khaddi shalwar for timeless sophistication. Complete the look with a stunning raw silk block printed shawl, adorned with intricate detailing, adding a touch of grace to every step.